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++ Gen­e­sis NFTs com­ing soon ++ Gen­e­sis NFTs com­ing soon
++ don’t miss your free BaseMe NFT


The Groupon of Web3 packed in PFPs: Cus­tomize and change your MetaMe’s util­i­ties and looks how­ev­er you want at any giv­en moment. 


1. Start with a free mint of a BaseMe

2. Swap stacks in the Shop and build your cus­tom MetaMe (open­ing soon). 

You can also become a seed investor by mint­ing one of our lim­it­ed Gen­e­sis NFTs.

Are you new to the NFT space and need more help? Vis­it our Get­ting Start­ed Page

++ Gen­e­sis NFTs com­ing soon ++ Gen­e­sis NFTs com­ing soon


A MetaMe is a reflec­tion of you and a peo­ple inclu­sive mod­u­lar NFT project based on Poly­gon and Ethereum that aims to take NFTs to the next lev­el. By swap­ping stacks in the MetaMe Shop you can cus­tomize your MetaMe’s util­i­ties and looks at any giv­en moment. It’s up to you and what you make out of it. With our nov­el approach which is focused on pro­vid­ing IRL util­i­ty from out­side part­ners, we want to become the Groupon of Web3 packed in PFPs.
You start with a BaseMe, that we offer as a con­tin­u­ous no strings attached free mint with no time restric­tions and that can be claimed here. After mint­ing the BaseMe, you can mint new stacks in the MetaMeShop and cre­ate your very own MetaMe. As each indi­vid­ual stack is a NFT, you can not only trade your MetaMe but also indi­vid­ual stacks on sec­ondary mar­kets such as OpenSea. The first pur­chasable prod­uct will be the Gen­e­sis NFT, mak­ing you a seed investor in the MetaMeShop and part­ci­pat­ing in its rev­enue. More infor­ma­tion is shared very soon.
The Gen­e­sis NFT is your seed invest­ment in the MetaMeShop in the form of unique PFPs based on Ethereum. The Gen­e­sis NFTs not only look amaz­ing but most impor­tant­ly enable the hold­ers to receive a par­tic­i­pa­tion in the rev­enue gen­er­at­ed by the MetaMeShop. This is par­tic­u­lar­ly appeal­ing because we expect most of the rev­enue to be gen­er­at­ed from B2B part­ner­ships. Find out more about the Gen­e­sis NFTs here.

For us, it is impor­tant to pull authen­tic util­i­ty from out­side of the MetaMe project into your MetaMe and col­lab­o­rate with oth­er web3 and IRL busi­ness­es. We can think of so many use cas­es, but let’s give you just a few ideas. Your local inde­pen­dent cin­e­ma co-launch­es its loy­al­ty card scheme on a MetaMe pop­corn stack. You attend your local soc­cer clubs’ game and get your team’s jer­sey as a POAP MetaMe stack. Get your favorite online retailer’s stack and enjoy a dis­count on your pur­chas­es. We con­stant­ly feed the shop with new drops and expect most of those stacks cre­at­ed in col­lab­o­ra­tion with part­ners to be offered as free mints.

Unlike oth­er NFT projects where most peo­ple won’t be able to par­tic­i­pate in the NFT’s jour­ney since they won’t be lucky enough to mint or have enough cryp­to to spend on the sec­ondary mar­ket, we want to build a peo­ple inclu­sive mod­u­lar NFT project open for every­one irre­spec­tive of the moment they join. We are also focused on pulling authen­tic util­i­ty to the project that is cre­at­ed by out­side part­ners as this will (i) cre­ate inter­est­ing util­i­ty to choose from for cus­tomiz­ing your MetaMe to your needs while (ii) gen­er­at­ing a cash flow main­ly from those B2B part­ners instead of charg­ing the NFT hold­ers and (iii) mak­ing sure that our busi­ness sur­vives no-hype phas­es since we are not depen­dent on increas­ing sec­ondary mar­ket sales prices. By mak­ing all of this mod­u­lar you can cus­tomize your MetaMe to your needs. You can read our mis­sion state­ment here Twit­ter mega-thread and we will pub­lish our Whitepa­per very soon.

We grant you a full-fledged IP license for pri­vate and uncapped com­mer­cial use of the IP asso­ci­at­ed with the NFTs that you buy and that are cre­at­ed by us. The IP for NFTs cre­at­ed in col­lab­o­ra­tion with oth­er brands is gov­erned by sep­a­rate agree­ments. We will, how­ev­er, always encour­age those brands to give you a broad license, too. 



End Q2 2022 and con­tin­u­ous­ly ​


Free Mint of the BaseMe, a naked ver­sion of your future MetaMe. The BaseMes are ful­ly inclu­sive: every­one can mint at any time for free, no gas wars, no FOMO, no strings attached, empow­er­ing every­one to join the jour­ney. 

You can mint the BaseMe for free here. Now, tomor­row and in five years. 


Q3 2022

Genesis NFT

Lim­it­ed to 8,888 Gen­e­sis NFTs, you’ll receive a unique 1/1 MetaMe in dif­fer­ent rar­i­ty lev­els curat­ed by our artist team. 

You will be seed invest­ing in the MetaMeShop, the Groupon of Web3: a nov­el NFT busi­ness mod­el, where the cash­flow is planned to be main­ly gen­er­at­ed by B2B sales and not by the NFT hold­ers. 

Find out more about the Gen­e­sis NFTs on the mint page here.

Q4 2022

Stack Shop

The mod­u­lar stacks enable you to change your MetaMe’s util­i­ties and looks at any giv­en moment by swap­ping stack by stack as stacks come with dif­fer­ent util­i­ties. 

For us, it is impor­tant to bring util­i­ty from out­side B2B part­ners into your MetaMe: 

  • inter­est­ing util­i­ty to choose from for cus­tomiz­ing your MetaMe to your needs 
  • gen­er­at­ing a cash flow from B2B part­ners instead of charg­ing NFT hold­ers 
  • mak­ing sure that the MetaMeShop sur­vives no-hype phas­es 



Hans is the inge­nious artist who brings the MetaMes to life. With a back­ground in archi­tec­ture and adver­tis­ing, his design and ren­der skills have been in the mak­ing for way longer than web3 exists. He has co-ini­tat­ed Neues Amt Altona, an IRL DAO, mak­ing the co-work­ers own­ers of the co-work­ing build­ing.


The pro­jec­t’s strat­e­gy is head­ed by Den­nis. As a ven­ture cap­i­tal lawyer and co-founder of a suc­cess­ful start­up sell­ing mil­lions of prod­ucts world­wide every year, he knows how to nav­i­gate a com­pa­ny on its jour­ney.


Cor­nelius is our for­eign min­is­ter, respon­si­ble for col­lab­o­ra­tions and com­mu­ni­ca­tions. Togeth­er with Den­nis, he has co-found­ed a suc­cess­ful start­up, sell­ing mil­lions of prod­ucts to cus­tomers world­wide and col­lab­o­rat­ing with cor­po­rate giants. Besides, he has co-found­ed an IRL DAO, con­struct­ing a co-work­ing build­ing owned by the co-work­ers.


Wla­di is our devel­op­er, Swiss Army knife and non-fun­gi­ble tekkie. Hav­ing cod­ed his first web­site 20 years ago, worked in art direc­tion for brands like VW, Mer­cedes and Coca Cola, devel­oped a sci­ence based med­ical app, been an artist, record label own­er and res­i­dent DJ in a well-known tech­no club and a yoga teacher, it is not sur­pris­ing that he has been in web3 since the ear­ly days.


++ Gen­e­sis NFTs com­ing soon ++ Gen­e­sis NFTs com­ing soon

Full Packs

Full Packs

Get a free BaseMe

Wel­come to the Meta­verse!

Free Mint

Get a 1/1 Gen­e­sis NFT

Lim­it­ed set curat­ed by ACIDBINGE

Price TBA


We are build­ing the Groupon of Web3

Each stack in the MetaMe not only comes with dif­fer­ent looks but also dif­fer­ent IRL util­i­ty from out­side part­ners. Think of it as dis­count codes or bonus cards on steroids that you can use to build and con­stant­ly change your MetaMe stack by stack.

Pulling the util­i­ty from out­side part­ners also means that the MetaMeShop’s cash flow is main­ly gen­er­at­ed from out­side the NFT space so that most of the stacks will be free mints for you. 



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Beer Hat ★

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Mag­ic Mush­rooms


Eyes (42) view all

Bit­coin for Charon ★

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VR Head­set

Spe­cial Col­ors




Spe­cial Col­ors

Noses (29) view all

Red Dots


Pierc­ing II


Cat ★

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Mouths (36) view all







Bavar­i­an Mous­tache ★

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Necks (18) view all


Spe­cial Col­ors

Helix Neck Piece

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Bod­ies (48) view all






Spe­cial Col­ors



++ Gen­e­sis NFTs com­ing soon ++ Gen­e­sis NFTs com­ing soon

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