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Genesis NFTs

8888 Seed Investor NFTs

The Gen­e­sis NFTs are our lim­it­ed NFT drop, medi­at­ing your finan­cial ben­e­fit in the MetaMeShop’s rev­enue as a seed investor; and com­ing in the form of a visu­al­ly unique art­work by our exclu­sive ACIDBINGE artist. 




Become Seed Investor

Receive a cut from every rev­enue gen­er­at­ed by the MetaMeShop after the mint date sub­ject to each par­tic­u­lar Gen­e­sis NFT’s rar­i­ty lev­el, total amount of rev­enue dis­trib­uted to all Gen­e­sis NFT hold­ers will be announced togeth­er with the mint price pri­or to mint date 

Receive reg­u­lar report­ing such as man­age­ment accounts to make sure that funds are not mis­used 

Decide on reserved mat­ters like a board mem­ber 

Unlike seed investors in tra­di­tion­al VC equi­ty financ­ing enjoy access to imme­di­ate liq­uid­i­ty on sec­ondary mar­kets such as OpenSea 


Ben­e­fits on top

Enjoy 20% Dis­count on every pur­chase in the MetaMeShop 

Get Gen­e­sis­Role in the Dis­cord 

Enjoy Ben­e­fits of a broad full-fledged IP license immutably record­ed in the NFT itself and stored decen­tral­ized on IPFS license terms for pri­vate and uncapped com­mer­cial use for the ACIDBINGE IP asso­ci­at­ed with the par­tic­u­lar Gen­e­sis NFT 

Receive Addi­tion­al Ben­e­fits 

Util­i­ty will immutably be stip­u­lat­ed in each par­tic­u­lar NFT 





Will be announced pri­or to the mint date 




A small TBA num­ber of ran­dom Gen­e­sis NFTs will be allo­cat­ed to the MetaMeShop’s wal­let and reserved for the team, our advi­sors and col­lab­o­ra­tions 



ERC721A NFT smart con­tract, which is an improved imple­men­ta­tion of the wide­ly pop­u­lar ERC721 stan­dard that sup­ports mint­ing mul­ti­ple tokens for close to the cost of one 

JPG stored decen­tral­ized on IPFS 



3500 x 3500 pix­el JPG 


PNG lay­ers

Every MetaMe NFT is con­struct­ed by lay­er­ing 8 PNG lay­ers on top of each oth­er in this par­tic­u­lar order: 

1. Back­ground
2. Body
3. Neck
4. Mouth
5. Nose
6. Eyes
7. Top
8. Acces­soires





Imag­ine a children’s toy where you start with a body that has a long stick pro­trud­ing out where its neck should be and you are giv­en a bunch of dif­fer­ent look­ing ele­ments; all of which resem­ble parts of a face and have a cen­ter hole that fits per­fect­ly onto that stick. 

Each MetaMe of the Gen­e­sis NFTs is a 1/1 com­bi­na­tion of 8 dif­fer­ent cat­e­gories of ele­ments, which are tech­ni­cal­ly and visu­al­ly stacked on top of each oth­er: 

1. Back­ground
2. Body
3. Neck
4. Mouth
5. Nose
6. Eyes
7. Top
8. Acces­soires



Because these ele­ments are stacked on top of each oth­er, we refer to them as ‘stacks’. OpenSea calls them ‘prop­er­ties’ and oth­er peo­ple in the NFT space call them ‘traits’. 



Each cat­e­go­ry of stacks can come in 1 of 4 rar­i­ty lev­els: com­mon, rare, epic or leg­endary. For exam­ple, your Gen­e­sis NFT can have a com­mon body ele­ment, an epic neck and a rare top. The rar­i­ty lev­els dif­fer in col­or, mate­r­i­al and shape and the over­all rar­i­ty will be deci­sive for the util­i­ty of the par­tic­u­lar NFT. 

Rar­i­ty lev­el 1 (com­mon) 

Com­mon stacks are gen­er­al­ly uni­col­or and rather sim­ple in shape. 

Rar­i­ty lev­el 2 (rare) 

Rare stacks are ele­ments that are rich in detail and most­ly con­sist of mul­ti­ple mate­ri­als and col­ors. 

Rar­i­ty lev­el 3 (epic) 

Epic stacks are the most intri­cate­ly designed and com­plex ele­ments that are made up of pre­cious mate­ri­als and have spec­tac­u­lar col­oration. 

Rar­i­ty lev­el 4 (leg­endary) 

Leg­endary MetaMes are spe­cial art col­lectibles on an artis­tic lev­el of their own with­in the Gen­e­sis NFTs. These very spe­cial MetaMes are care­ful­ly hand­craft­ed by our ACIDBINGE artist. 



In total, there are around 300 dif­fer­ent stacks in the MetaMe Gen­e­sis NFT Col­lec­tion. With­in each cat­e­go­ry, the stacks con­tained there­in are rough­ly equal­ly dis­trib­uted as fol­lows:

Com­mon ≈ 60% 

Rare ≈ 30% 

Epic ≈ 9% 

Leg­endary ≈ 1% 

The rar­i­ty of a MetaMe is deter­mined by the rar­i­ty lev­els of all its par­tic­u­lar stacks. For exam­ple, a Gen­e­sis MetaMe can entire­ly con­sist of com­mon stacks, which would make it very com­mon; anoth­er MetaMe can con­sist of a mix of com­mon and rare stacks, which would make it some­how rare; while anoth­er MetaMe can entire­ly con­sist of epic stacks, which would make it tru­ly epic and one of the rarest. 


Genesis NFTs

8888 Seed Investor NFTs

The Gen­e­sis NFTs are our lim­it­ed NFT drop, medi­at­ing your finan­cial ben­e­fit in the MetaMeShop’s rev­enue as a seed investor; and com­ing in the form of a visu­al­ly unique art­work by our exclu­sive ACIDBINGE artist. 




Become Seed Investor

Receive a cut from every rev­enue gen­er­at­ed by the MetaMeShop after the mint date sub­ject to each par­tic­u­lar Gen­e­sis NFT’s rar­i­ty lev­el, total amount of rev­enue dis­trib­uted to all Gen­e­sis NFT hold­ers will be announced togeth­er with the mint price pri­or to mint date 

Receive reg­u­lar report­ing such as man­age­ment accounts to make sure that funds are not mis­used 

Decide on reserved mat­ters like a board mem­ber 

Unlike seed investors in tra­di­tion­al VC equi­ty financ­ing enjoy access to imme­di­ate liq­uid­i­ty on sec­ondary mar­kets such as OpenSea 


Ben­e­fits on top

Enjoy 20% Dis­count on every pur­chase in the MetaMeShop 

Get Gen­e­sis­Role in the Dis­cord 

Enjoy Ben­e­fits of a broad full-fledged IP license immutably record­ed in the NFT itself and stored decen­tral­ized on IPFS license terms for pri­vate and uncapped com­mer­cial use for the ACIDBINGE IP asso­ci­at­ed with the par­tic­u­lar Gen­e­sis NFT 

Receive Addi­tion­al Ben­e­fits 

Util­i­ty will immutably be stip­u­lat­ed in each par­tic­u­lar NFT 





Will be announced pri­or to the mint date 




A small TBA num­ber of ran­dom Gen­e­sis NFTs will be allo­cat­ed to the MetaMeShop’s wal­let and reserved for the team, our advi­sors and col­lab­o­ra­tions 



ERC721A NFT smart con­tract, which is an improved imple­men­ta­tion of the wide­ly pop­u­lar ERC721 stan­dard that sup­ports mint­ing mul­ti­ple tokens for close to the cost of one 

JPG stored decen­tral­ized on IPFS 



3500 x 3500 pix­el JPG 


PNG lay­ers

Every MetaMe NFT is con­struct­ed by lay­er­ing 8 PNG lay­ers on top of each oth­er in this par­tic­u­lar order: 

1. Back­ground
2. Body
3. Neck
4. Mouth
5. Nose
6. Eyes
7. Top
8. Acces­soires





Imag­ine a children’s toy where you start with a body that has a long stick pro­trud­ing out where its neck should be and you are giv­en a bunch of dif­fer­ent look­ing ele­ments; all of which resem­ble parts of a face and have a cen­ter hole that fits per­fect­ly onto that stick. 

Each MetaMe of the Gen­e­sis NFTs is a 1/1 com­bi­na­tion of 8 dif­fer­ent cat­e­gories of ele­ments, which are tech­ni­cal­ly and visu­al­ly stacked on top of each oth­er: 

1. Back­ground
2. Body
3. Neck
4. Mouth
5. Nose
6. Eyes
7. Top
8. Acces­soires



Because these ele­ments are stacked on top of each oth­er, we refer to them as ‘stacks’. OpenSea calls them ‘prop­er­ties’ and oth­er peo­ple in the NFT space call them ‘traits’. 



Each cat­e­go­ry of stacks can come in 1 of 4 rar­i­ty lev­els: com­mon, rare or epic. For exam­ple, your Gen­e­sis NFT can have a com­mon body ele­ment, an epic neck and a rare top. The rar­i­ty lev­els dif­fer in col­or, mate­r­i­al and shape and the over­all rar­i­ty will be deci­sive for the util­i­ty of the par­tic­u­lar NFT. 

Rar­i­ty lev­el 1 (com­mon) 

Com­mon stacks are gen­er­al­ly uni­col­or and rather sim­ple in shape. 

Rar­i­ty lev­el 2 (rare) 

Rare stacks are ele­ments that are rich in detail and most­ly con­sist of mul­ti­ple mate­ri­als and col­ors. 

Rar­i­ty lev­el 3 (epic) 

Epic stacks are the most intri­cate­ly designed and com­plex ele­ments that are made up of pre­cious mate­ri­als and have spec­tac­u­lar col­oration. 

Rar­i­ty lev­el 4 (leg­endary) 

Leg­endary MetaMes are spe­cial art col­lectibles on an artis­tic lev­el of their own with­in the Gen­e­sis NFTs. These very spe­cial MetaMes are care­ful­ly hand­craft­ed by our ACIDBINGE artist. 


In total, there are around 300 dif­fer­ent stacks in the MetaMe Gen­e­sis NFT Col­lec­tion. With­in each cat­e­go­ry, the stacks con­tained there­in are rough­ly equal­ly dis­trib­uted as fol­lows: 

Com­mon ≈ 60% 

Rare ≈ 30% 

Epic ≈ 9% 

Leg­endary ≈ 1% 

The rar­i­ty of a MetaMe is deter­mined by the rar­i­ty lev­els of all its par­tic­u­lar stacks. For exam­ple, a Gen­e­sis MetaMe can entire­ly con­sist of com­mon stacks, which would make it very com­mon; anoth­er MetaMe can con­sist of a mix of com­mon and rare stacks, which would make it some­how rare; while anoth­er MetaMe can entire­ly con­sist of epic stacks, which would make it tru­ly epic and one of the rarest. 

++ Gen­e­sis NFTs com­ing soon ++ Gen­e­sis NFTs com­ing soon

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