// https://ripe0x.notion.site/ripe0x/Builder-Components-info-595707954ee74d58afb4014ee904baf5



Start with a Free Mint:
You can always get a free BaseMe.


Swap Stacks in our Shop:
Turn the BaseMe into your MetaMe.



What is a MetaMe?

What is a MetaMe?

A MetaMe is a reflec­tion of you in the Meta­verse. Your MetaMe is a mod­u­lar NFT project based on the Poly­gon Net­work. You can swap stacks in the MetaMe Shop and show the Meta­verse your true self or hide behind thick armour. It’s up to you and what you make out of it.

Why are you using the Poly­gon Net­work?

Why are you using the Polygon Network?

The project will be deployed on the Poly­gon Net­work to make use of its low trans­ac­tion fees. We want the swap­ping of stacks to be fun and not a gas has­sle.

How does all of this work?

How does all of this work?

You start with a BaseMe, that we offer as a free mint. You can mint up to three BaseMes per wal­let. After­wards, you can swap stacks in the MetaMe Shop and cre­ate your very own MetaMe. As each indi­vid­ual stack is a NFT too, not only can you trade your MetaMe but also indi­vid­ual stacks on sec­ondary mar­kets such as OpenSea.

What kind of stacks can I buy?

What kind of stacks can I buy?

Some stacks will be offered as a free mint, some stacks have to be pur­chased. Some stacks are lim­it­ed, some stacks are not. Some stacks are cre­at­ed by us, some stacks are cre­at­ed in col­lab­o­ra­tion with brands and some stacks might be cre­at­ed by you and offered in the MetaMe Shop. Some stacks offer spe­cial ben­e­fits for the hold­ers, some stacks are just cool to look at. We con­stant­ly feed the shop with new drops.

What is the idea behind MetaMe?

What is the idea behind MetaMe?

Just like you, your MetaMe is con­stant­ly evolv­ing on its jour­ney. You’re going to the big game tomor­row? Show some fan love and swap your MetaMe’s body to your team’s jer­sey stack. Want to go shop­ping at a cool retail­er? Swap with a stack cre­at­ed togeth­er with this retail­er that offers you a dis­count. With the mod­u­lar sys­tem, the pos­si­bil­i­ties are end­less, while look­ing super cool and being afford­able at the same time.

What about the IP?

What about the IP?

We grant you a full-fledged IP license for pri­vate and uncapped com­mer­cial use of the IP asso­ci­at­ed with the NFTs that you buy and that are cre­at­ed by us. The IP for NFTs cre­at­ed in col­lab­o­ra­tion with oth­er brands is gov­erned by sep­a­rate agree­ments. How­ev­er, we will always encour­age those brands to give you a broad license, too.

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Free Mint Starter
Free Mint Starter
Step 1 : FREE MINT

To change the back­ground click on the label bar and in the lay­er win­dow select the style tab.

Step 2

Choose a source from the back­ground top tab then upload an image or pick a back­ground col­or.

Build Your MetaMe
Buid Your MetaMe
Step 1 : FREE MINT

To change the back­ground click on the label bar and in the lay­er win­dow select the style tab.

Step 2

Choose a source from the back­ground top tab then upload an image or pick a back­ground col­or.

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Modern Borwser Rule #1: One H1 Tag Per Site

Shop Title Example H2

Shop Title Example H3

Shop Title Example H4

Shop Title Example H5
Shop Title Example H6
Shop Title Exam­ple div
Shop Title Exam­ple span

Shop Title Exam­ple p

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con­secte­tur adip­isc­ing elit. Ut elit tel­lus, luc­tus nec ullam­cor­p­er mat­tis, pul­v­inar dapibus leo. 

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if ( ! is_page( array( 'Legal', 'legal' ) ) ) return;