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Co-cre­ate the next Blue Chip NFT project »>
Acid­binge is a peo­ple inclu­sive decen­tral­ized col­lab­o­ra­tive (DAO) based on Bingers. With the Acid­binge col­lab­o­ra­tive, we want to build the next Blue Chip NFT project with you.
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Meet the Bingers. Meet the Bingers.

What hap­pens when you chal­lenge an indus­tri­al design­er to rethink dig­i­tal col­lectibles? …well say hel­lo to the Bingers, the ultra-real­is­tic Acid­binge avatars, com­prised of more than 300 dif­fer­ent discs stacked on top of each oth­er. 

Access to the DAO is grant­ed by hold­ing at least one of the Bingers in your wal­let. Rar­er ones grant you supe­ri­or vot­ing pow­er. 

Dif­fer­ent kind of mint… Dif­fer­ent kind of mint…
Twice a week, 1000 Bingers with dif­fer­ent rar­i­ties are released into the wild wild web 3. With every release, your chance of mint­ing a rare one increas­es.

The first release is a free mint, while the sec­ond release is avail­able for ETH 0.001, which dou­bles with each release: The third release’s mint price is ETH 0.002, the fourth release’s mint price ETH 0.004 and so on.

If a release is not ful­ly mint­ed, the sup­ply for future releas­es will be reduced to 50% of the actu­al mint­ed amount. This process con­tin­ues until all the sup­ply reach­es 0.

If in a release only 800 Bingers are mint­ed, the sup­ply going for­ward will be reduced to 400 Bingers per release. If in a fol­low­ing release only 100 Bingers are mint­ed, the new sup­ply going for­ward will be fur­ther reduced to 50 Bingers.

While the­o­ret­i­cal­ly hav­ing an indef­i­nite sup­ply, the col­lec­tion size will be capped eco­nom­i­cal­ly because of the dou­bling prices with every release.

What’s your binger­ate? »> What’s your binger­ate? »>

50% of the net mint pro­ceeds and roy­al­ties are allo­cat­ed to the Acid­binge col­lab­o­ra­tive wal­let which can be used pur­suant to the major­i­ty deci­sion of the Bingers.

Let’s build the next Blue Chip NFT com­mu­ni­ty togeth­er.

Hold­ing one or more Bingers allows to sub­mit and vote on pro­pos­als on how to run the project — from iden­ti­fy­ing next steps to allo­cat­ing the work, fund­ing from the Acid­binge col­lab­o­ra­tive wal­let and prof­its.

Founders are tem­po­rary. Com­mu­ni­ty is per­ma­nent.

Our team will kick­start the Acid­binge DAO but will make way for your dreams and ideas. We are hap­py to intro­duce our­self but nev­er for­get that this project is about you! 



Hans is the inge­nious artist who brings the MetaMes to life. With a back­ground in archi­tec­ture and adver­tis­ing, his design and ren­der skills have been in the mak­ing for way longer than web3 exists. He has co-ini­tat­ed Neues Amt Altona, an IRL DAO, mak­ing the co-work­ers own­ers of the co-work­ing build­ing. 


The pro­jec­t’s strat­e­gy is head­ed by Den­nis. As a ven­ture cap­i­tal lawyer and co-founder of a suc­cess­ful start­up sell­ing mil­lions of prod­ucts world­wide every year, he knows how to nav­i­gate a com­pa­ny on its jour­ney. 



Cor­nelius is our for­eign min­is­ter, respon­si­ble for col­lab­o­ra­tions and com­mu­ni­ca­tions. He alreadsy has co-found­ed an IRL DAO, con­struct­ing a co-work­ing build­ing owned by the co-work­ers. Togeth­er with Den­nis, he has co-found­ed a suc­cess­ful start­up, sell­ing mil­lions of prod­ucts to cor­po­rate giants. 



Wla­di is our devel­op­er, Swiss Army knife and non-fun­gi­ble tekkie. Hav­ing cod­ed his first web­site 20 years ago, worked in art direc­tion for brands like VW, Mer­cedes and Coca Cola, devel­oped a sci­ence based med­ical app, been an artist, record label own­er



There can only be one NFD – non fun­gi­ble degen – and this is John. His expe­ri­ence in infor­ma­tion tech­nol­o­gy and col­lect­ing art helps him nav­i­gate through the NFT jun­gle. With his deep knowl­edge of and tight per­son­al con­nec­tions with­in the space as well as his pas­sion for art, by shar­ing the lat­est devel­op­ments in NFT mar­kets, oth­er alpha and mak­ing the right intro­duc­tions, he not only man­ages but lives the Acid­binge com­mu­ni­ty. 

Acid­binge: Where you co-cre­ate the next Blue Chip »>
What’s your binger­ate? »> What’s your binger­ate?

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