// https://ripe0x.notion.site/ripe0x/Builder-Components-info-595707954ee74d58afb4014ee904baf5
/ The Design-Cen­tered DAO / / Improve the World with Design /

One Binger
Every 24 Hours

Take part in our dai­ly auc­tion, secure your Binger, and con­tribute to the con­ver­sa­tion.
Our ecosys­tem runs on Bingers — gen­er­a­tive NFTs mint­ed on the Ethereum blockchain. Every 24 hours, a unique Binger is released into the wild wild web3. Each Binger not only fuels the Acid­Binge Trea­sury but also rep­re­sents your voice with­in our DAO and AcidBinge’s future.

There is no min­i­mum bid.

100% of the auc­tion sales go straight into the Acid­binge Trea­sury and are gov­erned by you and the rest of the com­mu­ni­ty. 

Some of the Bingers will not be pub­licly auc­tioned,

  • 10 % are allo­cat­ed to the found­ing team and 
  • 2.5 % are allo­cat­ed to the Nouns DAO and Nouns Builder for 3 years as a thank you and recog­ni­tion for the use of their tech­ni­cal DAO infra­struc­ture. 

Those NFTs will be sent direct­ly to the respec­tive team wal­let. 

/ Unleash Your Cre­ative Impact / / Design Democ­ra­cy in Action /
Meet the Bingers. Meet the Bingers.
What hap­pens when you chal­lenge an indus­tri­al design­er to rethink dig­i­tal col­lectibles?
…well say hel­lo to the Bingers, the ultra-real­is­tic Acid­binge avatars, com­prised of more than 300 dif­fer­ent discs stacked on top of each oth­er.
Every 24 hours a Binger is ran­dom­ly com­piled out of 300 dif­fer­ent discs, wait­ing to be dis­cov­ered.
Each Binger not only fuels the Acid­Binge Trea­sury but also rep­re­sents your voice with­in our DAO. Remem­ber, 100% of the auc­tion sales go straight into our trea­sury, gov­erned by you and the rest of the Acid­Binge com­mu­ni­ty.
At Acid­Binge, good design and decen­tral­ized tech­nol­o­gy con­verge.
We’re more than just a plat­form; we’re a com­mu­ni­ty of artists, design­ers, and inno­va­tors who believe in the pow­er of design to improve the world.
Our mis­sion is to pro­vide a peo­ple-inclu­sive, decen­tral­ized col­lab­o­ra­tive (DAO)
— empow­er­ing indi­vid­u­als with shared inter­ests to dri­ve design-cen­tered projects for­ward. We’re not just dream­ing of a more visu­al­ly engag­ing and user-friend­ly world, we’re cre­at­ing it.
> > Unleash Your Cre­ative Impact > >


100% of the auc­tion sales go to the Acid­binge Trea­sury and are gov­erned by you and the rest of the com­mu­ni­ty.

Your Binger, Your Voice. Your Cre­ativ­i­ty. Our Com­mu­ni­ty.

in Action

As an Acid­Binge mem­ber, you’re more than just a spec­ta­tor. 

Hold­ing one or more Bingers in your wal­let, you gain the pow­er to shape our col­lec­tive jour­ney. From sub­mit­ting pro­pos­als to iden­ti­fy­ing next steps, you get to decide how the Acid­Binge Trea­sury is allo­cat­ed.

Our gov­er­nance mod­el ensures trans­paren­cy and inclu­siv­i­ty

- we oper­ate entire­ly on-chain, mean­ing every deci­sion is immutably record­ed and vis­i­ble to all. And to ensure our col­lec­tive vision aligns with the com­mu­ni­ty’s, we’ve estab­lished pro­pos­al (0.5%) and quo­rum (10%) thresh­olds to guide our deci­sion-mak­ing process. Until a suf­fi­cient lev­el of decen­tr

Founders are tem­po­rary. Com­mu­ni­ty is per­ma­nent.

Our team will kick­start the Acid­binge DAO but will make way for your dreams and ideas. 

We are hap­py to intro­duce our­self but nev­er for­get that this project is about you! Join us and let’s cre­ate a world that thrives on good design.



Hans is the inge­nious artist who brings the MetaMes to life. With a back­ground in archi­tec­ture and adver­tis­ing, his design and ren­der skills have been in the mak­ing for way longer than web3 exists. He has co-ini­tat­ed Neues Amt Altona, an IRL DAO, mak­ing the co-work­ers own­ers of the co-work­ing build­ing. 


The project’s ini­tial strat­e­gy is head­ed by Den­nis. As a ven­ture cap­i­tal lawyer and co-founder of sev­er­al star­tups, he knows how to nav­i­gate a com­pa­ny on its jour­ney.



Cor­nelius is our for­eign min­is­ter, respon­si­ble for col­lab­o­ra­tions and com­mu­ni­ca­tions. He alreadsy has co-found­ed an IRL DAO, con­struct­ing a co-work­ing build­ing owned by the co-work­ers. Togeth­er with Den­nis, he has co-found­ed a suc­cess­ful start­up, sell­ing mil­lions of prod­ucts to cor­po­rate giants. 



Wla­di is our devel­op­er, Swiss Army knife and non-fun­gi­ble tekkie. Hav­ing cod­ed his first web­site 20 years ago, worked in art direc­tion for brands like VW, Mer­cedes and Coca Cola, devel­oped a sci­ence based med­ical app, been an artist, record label own­er

/ The Design-Cen­tered DAO / / Improve the World with Design /
What’s your binger­ate? »> What’s your binger­ate?

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